Scroll down to meet Mr & Mrs Muchstuff and to get a view of Life After Clutter
I have years of experiance and a lot of ideas to draw from. I have fun giving suggestions and ideas.
I'm happy to spend as much time with you as you need to help you decide what to keep,
what to let go of and where to put things.
And I'll help you stay motivated.
I have years of experiance and a lot of ideas to draw from. I have fun giving suggestions and ideas.
I'm happy to spend as much time with you as you need to help you decide what to keep,
what to let go of and where to put things.
And I'll help you stay motivated.

Two Muchstuff’s
It's here somewhere, Mrs. Muchstuff would say,
as she tripped over a box that was in her way
The box Mr. Muchstuff had to look inside
Cool, look at this treasure, as his eyes opened wide
It's an old ham radio that doesn't even work
But I can fix it he said with a smirk
In search of some tools, he was gone for a while
She shook her head and tossed the box on a pile
But next to that box was something else altogether
I know this is ugly, but it belonged to my mother
As long as I can remember it sat on a shelf,
With a little glass dog and a little glass elf.
I’ll just wrap it and put it in a real safe place
As soon as I can find a safe place space
Mrs. Muchstuff, don’t give these headphones away
I could have used them yesterday!
Toss these psychedelic bell bottom pants in the pile
No way, Mr. Muchstuff, they might come back in style
~Diann Higbee